Sunday, April 11, 2010

Athena Project reflections on Understanding Goals

Here are a few reflections from our Athena Project art groups on five Understanding goals:
  1. How does working in a group help us grow as individuals? Mentor response: "Being able to work together helps us learn more about ourselves and how we are the same and how we are different." Youth response: "Because we have to listen and communicate." "Because we have to understand others." "We have to be aware of others needs."
  2. How is working in partnership with different age groups enriching?  Mentor response: "It brings you to a time in your life when things were new and exciting and it helps you remember the initial excitement of being young." Youth response: "Because we learn from other people." "Because they are smart." "Because they help us." "Because we learn more about ourselves."
  3. What does working in a group teach us about living in society? Mentor response:   " It is a micro version of the big picture, people can and will always come together to make progress and accomplish goals. " Youth response:   "Not only our needs matter." "We learn to work together." "We learn to help each other."    
  4. How can we learn to apply the skills and concepts we are learning in class to other settings?    Mentor response:    "Making art is a form of problem solving, so it extends into everyday living."   Youth response: "Teamwork!" "Collaboration." "Helping." "Better family skills."
  5. How can the Studio Habits of Mind assist student artists? Mentor response: "It provides a springboard for creativity and a set of goals and guidelines as an infrastructure to follow in the learning process." Youth response: "Giving students structure." "Something to follow through." "Provides organization." "Explores all aspects of learning."

1 comment:

  1. This is what I'm talking about! Thanks for using your understanding goals to assess the learning. Your students clearly had a deep understanding of what it means to collaborate and work together on a common vision using each other as resources and inspiration. THANKS for your persistence and vision Virginia, Celine, Angel, Holly and all Peralta Hacienda staff and youth! CCA mentors: your dedication and commitment to your youth partners shows, a job well done!
